About us

On 13th May 2002, we launched the directory of the Swiss transport industry on the internet under www.swisstrans.info, making it available as a databank for all users, which has proved to be a great success. The information was published from 1983 to 2002 in the handbook of the Swiss transport industry swisstrans®;. The search engine accepts information free of charge on all transport firms in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein, including the appropriate authorities and associations, with their addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and it is updated every month. Companies that fail to provide a telephone number are not included.

The swisstrans information is supplemented with Links to sites offering opportunities for basic, further and advanced training courses, trade journals, airports, seaports, museum trains, organisations, transport databanks, transport web portals, transportation museums etc.

www.swisstrans.info – an effective advertising platform

The high ratio of queries from Switzerland and the increase in hits from abroad, and above all the search for information under destinations, services and products, clearly indicate that the transport databank meets the needs of both local shippers and the Swiss and international transport industry.:

  2019 2020 2021
Hits total:
incl. .com-, .net-, arpa-
93'510 94'211 95'154
Hosts 11'852 11'949 12'008
Swiss Domains: 58'060 58'930 59'371
from foreign countries: 11'607 11'723 11'957

Our databank is available as an effective advertising platform for providers of services and products on favourable terms.

If required, we will enter the homepage and/or E-Mail addresses of companies in the databank, against payment. Similarly, companies will only be entered under destinations, services and products if required, also against payment.

Werner Kestenholz
Verkaufsleiter Schweiz
swissprofessionalmedia AG
Grosspeterstrasse 23
CH-4002 Basel

Tel. +41-58-958 9 500
Fax +41-58-958 9 690
